The 13+ Common Entrance exam is taken in Year 8 and includes 3 core compulsory subjects, which are Maths, English and Science. Other optional papers include French, History, Geography, RS, Latin and Ancient Greek but this depends on each school. Many schools have limited 13+ entry positions as many students continue into Year 9 from Year 8, and therefore competition is extremely high. At The London Education Company, we have the experience and dedicated team to guide you towards getting your first choice school. Our thorough methodology and teaching techniques are directly moulded to fit with your child’s learning style, ensuring they have a clear understanding of what to expect.
We ensure that our students are thoroughly prepared before they sit any common entrance paper. Our library of resources ensure that every tutor is equipped with ample material so that each student knows exactly how to handle the pressure and stress of the exam.
This is why our 13+ students have recently been accepted to a few of the leading school including:
- Westminster
- Eton
- Harrow
- City of London
- Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School
- Haberdashers’ Aske’s School for Girls
- Latymer Upper School
- Highgate
- Charterhouse
- Dulwich College
- Merchant Taylor’s
- Mill Hill
- University College School
- King’s College School
- Godolphin & Latymer
- Wycombe Abbey and many more.
Due to competition, this is a new technique incorporated by schools to test children before the 13+ common entrance exam. If children are successful, they are invited to do the 13+ common entrance exam after a few years. This allows for the parents to plan ahead and avoid disappointment. The Pre-Test may be written or on the computer depending on the school applied, and would comprise of the same papers as the 11+ common entrance.
Many of the pre-tests have unique questions and therefore exam preparation can be difficult. Our tutors focus on building the students core understanding in Maths, English and Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning so any peculiar questions would not fluster the child. As with our other tuition programmes, for the Pre-Tests, our tutors work to build the child’s self confidence and analytical mindset so that in the face of unfamiliar questions, the child would know exactly how to dissect the question in a cogent manner.
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